Thursday 1 May 2008

Day 7 - From Kendal Youth Hostel

Its starting to hurt now! Who's idea was this???

We thought we were in for an easy ish short day from Rochdale to Kendal, so didn't leave the comfort of Chez Holt until about 10:30. After a quick stop at Nan's we left at about 11:30 and it was all up from there.....

Up through Edenfield, Haslingdon, Accrington, Whalley and then over the moors to an eventual (late) lunch stop at Puddleduck tea rooms at Dunsop Bridge - in the centre of the UK, so hopefully that means we are well and trully over 1/2 way there!!. On to Slaidburn, and then up over more hills (very pretty but our legs didn't really appreciate the views!!). We eventually went through Kirby Lonsdale and took a B road thinking that Kendal was just around each corner. There seemed to be lots of corners and lots of "just one more hill" to get over before finally we reached a Kendal sign and steamed down hill into town at about 7:20.

Thankfully we were greeted by Lucy's Mum and Dad who had kindly transported our panniers to Kendal from Rochdale (Thank Goodness - We might well have been broken on the hills with the extra weight or indeed still peddling now (10:20pm)).

We've just enjoyed a lovely meal in Kendal and are keen to go to sleep again in the hope that our bodies might feel fresh in the morning for the next leg up to Carlisle.........more up!!

Stats for the day:
71.6miles; 3023 cals; 6hrs 47mins ride time; max speed hardly worth mentioning - more like a minimum speed day
4 very tired legs
0 punctures or mishaps

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just put Lands End to Kendal into google maps and it said "about 7 hours 15 mins". Get a move on.