Monday 5 May 2008

Greetings from Glencoe

After a good night sleep - despite the spooks - and finally sharing a dorm with lots of people, we left the castle at just after 8:30am. A very early start for a couple of keen bikers!! We left with a little mist hanging over Loch Lomond and wondered if we were in for a dreary day?

How wrong we were. The scenery was beautiful and as we clocked up the miles, the mist rose and the sun came out. We fancied ourselves for the ladies open in a few years time as we passed Loch Lomond Golf Course (a few practices first maybe!?) but had a lovely ride on a cycle path all the way to Tarbert. After a hot chocolate (complete with marshmallows) we hit the A82 alongside the Loch to Crianlarich.

Time for more food and yet another Jacket Potato (sustinence of the trip!) and we were off for a quick visit to the Green Welly place in Tyndrum and then up into the hills - well the Highlands really!

We were suprised at how we managed to get up the hills and then were obviously in awe of the scenery from there into Glencoe. Cycling into the hills then up and over the expanse of Rannoch Moor was spectacular (and much better than through half closed eyes in a Vauxhall!). Then once the mountains of Glencoe came into view and we cycled through the valley with their majesty either side of us - we were both grinning from ear to ear - perhaps the best day for views so far. This of course was helped by the glorious weather!

An early ish finish at the Youth Hostel in Glencoe (4:15ish) and after a shower we still managed a pint in the sunshine in the Clachaig Inn, followed by our tea and a bottle of wine. We were chatted up by a couple of Dutch lads (lucky Lucy as always!) only they were only 21 and thought we were 24!!! Not sure if they were just trying their luck though (Oh No! says Lucy!!) We're now back at the hostel for a night cap and will no doubt shortly be fast asleep (9pm)!

A great day of views, weather and spirits. Lets hope the next few days are just as good. Off to Loch Ness tomorrow (with maybe a little stop in Fort William for the shops!).

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