Tuesday 13 May 2008

Final Stats

For those of you who like numbers, here are the total / average stats for the trip.

Total Miles 948.7 miles
Ave Speed 11.7 mph
Ave Miles / Day 67.8
Max Miles / Day 91.5 (Loch Ness to Helmsdale)
Min Miles / Day 41 (Hamilton to Loch Lomond)
Ave Cals Burnt / Day 2472 kcals
Punctures Lucy 7ish; Sian 1 (lucky girl!)

Monday 12 May 2008

Our best text...Ode to the ladies on the last day!

So its the last day and the end is near.
You've had strength, determination and shown no fear.
You've been up and down hills in rain, wind and sun;
With days that were hard and days that were fun.
You'll look back on this journey on land and in mind.
And realise your achievements and how you have shined.
You've been in pain and had a sore choochoo.
But you've both been fab and we are so proud of you!

Lucy Kelly ... a complete star who texted us everyday without fail (well except once when she delegated it to her hubby who forgot (oh Drew!)). Cheers Luce you are a star and the poem is just ace!

Thursday 8 May 2008

Day 14 - The Fianl Day of This Epic Journey by Two 'Epic' Gals!

Well what a wonderful 14 days we have all had following the cyclists Sian + Lucy! Here goes for their final day and what they got up too!

You will have seen them posing by the official post, at JOG, with a total of 948 miles recorded - WOW!

They have been in the van of the Holts and all of them have now landed at Fort Augustus for the night. Their jubilant phone call was made as they were just about to order grub so high on adrenalin and excitment the day has a 'quick' feel to it!

Leaving their B+B in Helmsdale at 8.55am, after a good breakfast, Lucy + Sian went up some big hills! The first of which felt very big on a big breakfast! Another hill took them up to Berrisdale. They were forced to stop on this one because a lorry was stuck half way up and causing a big obstruction! (well that was their excuse for having to stop!) Another hill - a very big hill (I'm told no where near as big as the Cornish or Mendip ones!) Anyway, up there in what seemed like the middle of nowhere they spotted a museum and had, yep you've guessed it, coffee and a cake!

Refuelled it was non stop to JOG and the excitment of finishing, the adrenalin of it being the final leg just made them go so, so fast! They averaged 13.9mph!!!!

Arriving at JOG just about 13.25 they were blessed with great scenes, great weather and had their picture taken at the famous post! (OK you know that 'cos you have seen it on the blog!) They met some other groups who had been doing same challenge and were just so excited about it all. They said the weather was once again glorious and the wind not so bad as yeaterday and no mishaps. (in fact the Holt's van could hardly keep up with them!)

So how are they? How do they feel? Well my view is that they feel great and the legs and bums are just fine, in fact I think they could probably go all the way back again! Both Sian + Lucy felt good and I think overwhelmed by the whole experience.

From us sitting here keeping up to date via the amazing 'technological world' it's a BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU. YOU ARE BOTH AN INSPIRATION TO US ALL - WELL DONE.

Expect lots of you just wondering what's next for them both? Maybe you'll join them!!!!!

I'm told to call these provisional stats (the computer was not on their person, the stats are from memory!)

Miles: 50.9 - Calories burned: 1600 - Average speed: 13.9 - Ride Time: 3hrs 40mins

No doubt Lucy + Sian will sleep well tonight or maybe they will be buzzing and reliving their experience or planning their next challenge. Whatever we look forward to hearing from them very soon. Safe journey back. Thanks for reading you bloggers out there.

Well done Sian + Lucy xxxx

They think its all over...

It is now!



Just received a text saying 'we are here - lol s + l'

Well done that's JOG in time for lunch! Great stuff!

More news later - but those who are s'pose to be working thought you might like to know!!!!

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Day 13 - Very excited two gals from Helmsdale phone in for the last time!!!

Wow haven't they done well! ONE more day will do it and really they don't want it to end!

After waking at 6.00am to see the most beautiful sun rise over Loch Ness (it was 'glass like' ) Siany + Lucy got up at 7am and were off on their day 13 at 8.30am. They began as we know from the Youth Hostel that actually was only about a third of the way up Loch Ness so Inverness was quite some way away!

Mind you perhaps the thought of this being the penultimate day and no weight of panniers, they flew up to Inverness, averaging 13.5 - 14 mph and got to Inverness just in time for coffee + cake at 10.15am.

Over the bridge and finding a great cycle path along the A9 they kept on making
progress! Up hill they said but at the speed of light they just kept going! Stopped for a snack at Alness and then headed for Tain where they had a lovely lunch served by the Holts in a layby!

Refuelled by some real food they headed further to Brora for hot chocolate and finally reached Helmsdale at 6.00pm, a massive 91.5 miles form their stop last night - WELL DONE GIRLS

They wanted you to know that it has been very windy all day and each of them has had to ride at the front to protect the other from the gusts! There is an amazing yellow gorse out that also smells nice. They have enjoyed no panniers and have had no mishaps! And of course the scenery is out of this world especially as the weather has been so good.

Critical stats: Miles: 91.5 - Calories burned: 3054 - Average speed: 13mph - Total ride time: 7 hours

WOW! I am sure that you are all in awe these two - yep we thought they were crazy, but what a way to cycle it eh! Amazing stuff!

Here's to tomorrow -only a mere 55miles left! Take care girls and have a drink on us all!

The end is nigh!

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Sunbathing by Loch ness.

Sianee taking in the rays. Our accomodation just next 2 the loch.

Stunning Scotland.

Ben Nevis range (took just by monument to the comandos). Beautiful!

Day 12 - Nessie Spotting!!

We had a leisurely 55 ish miles to cover today. After a relatively early start 8.45ish from Glencoe YH (with not much brekkie inside us) we made our way to Fort William. We arrived in quite good time (about 10.15ish) and then spent quite some time faffing (not even shopping!). Must have been something to do with the fact we didn't feel in a hurry and had not eaten nearly enough food.

Sian had her brakes adjusted in the bike shop (having worn the pads almost away!). OK so she should have done it herself, but when there's a willing young man why bother? Then we trapsed up and down Fort William High Street being fussy about where to have our morning coffee & snack. After eventually having a coffee, we decided that it was close enough to 12 to have lunch.

We had a jacket pot in the cafe at the station and eventually left Fort William at 12:30ish.

The sun was well and truly out by this point, so we had a lovely ride in the sunshine alongside the Nevis mountains (including Ben himself). We stopped to appreciate the view at the Commando Monument just passed Spean Bridge. Then along Loch Lochy, Loch Oich and into Fort Augustus where we had our first opportunity for Nessie spotting. After a hot choc & snack beside the locks at the top of Loch Ness we were on our way.

We made it to the Loch Ness YH, just outside Invermoriston at about 4:15. A beautiful days ride and a beautiful setting to spend the night. We were tempted to have a quick swim in the Loch but after dipping our toes in strangely lost the urge and settled for a spot of sunbathing instead!

We are just waiting for our star support crew to arrive, so have already taken the pannier racks off our bikes ready for 2 days of riding lovely unladen bikes. Off to look out for Nessie again now whilst waiting for our tea to arrive.....just munching the last of our snacks (yummy prunes!)

Stats for the day:

57.9miles; 4 hrs 44mins ride time; 1844 Cals; Ave Speed 12.2mph

Mishaps - 1 pannier jumped off Sian's bike in Fort William but luckily didn't damage itself, the bike or Sian!! (It was at this point Lucy decided Sian needed food pretty soon!)

Monday 5 May 2008

Greetings from Glencoe

After a good night sleep - despite the spooks - and finally sharing a dorm with lots of people, we left the castle at just after 8:30am. A very early start for a couple of keen bikers!! We left with a little mist hanging over Loch Lomond and wondered if we were in for a dreary day?

How wrong we were. The scenery was beautiful and as we clocked up the miles, the mist rose and the sun came out. We fancied ourselves for the ladies open in a few years time as we passed Loch Lomond Golf Course (a few practices first maybe!?) but had a lovely ride on a cycle path all the way to Tarbert. After a hot chocolate (complete with marshmallows) we hit the A82 alongside the Loch to Crianlarich.

Time for more food and yet another Jacket Potato (sustinence of the trip!) and we were off for a quick visit to the Green Welly place in Tyndrum and then up into the hills - well the Highlands really!

We were suprised at how we managed to get up the hills and then were obviously in awe of the scenery from there into Glencoe. Cycling into the hills then up and over the expanse of Rannoch Moor was spectacular (and much better than through half closed eyes in a Vauxhall!). Then once the mountains of Glencoe came into view and we cycled through the valley with their majesty either side of us - we were both grinning from ear to ear - perhaps the best day for views so far. This of course was helped by the glorious weather!

An early ish finish at the Youth Hostel in Glencoe (4:15ish) and after a shower we still managed a pint in the sunshine in the Clachaig Inn, followed by our tea and a bottle of wine. We were chatted up by a couple of Dutch lads (lucky Lucy as always!) only they were only 21 and thought we were 24!!! Not sure if they were just trying their luck though (Oh No! says Lucy!!) We're now back at the hostel for a night cap and will no doubt shortly be fast asleep (9pm)!

A great day of views, weather and spirits. Lets hope the next few days are just as good. Off to Loch Ness tomorrow (with maybe a little stop in Fort William for the shops!).

Lucy on the way 2 the pub.

Sianee enjoying the scenery...

Better from her bike than from the confines of a vectra with her eyes covered!

Stunning scenery in the highlands.

Our spooky accomodation at loch lomand!

Very beautiful building.

View across loch lomand.

Glasgow city centre.

Sunday 4 May 2008

Day 10 - Hamilton - Loch Lomond

After a hefty 77miler yesterday we decided a nice easy day through Glasgow city centre and upto Loch Lomond was the order of the day; a mere 41miles.

We went through Hamilton passing the racecourse, onto a dodgy dual carriageway A765 then made our way into the Glasgow city centre which was really cool. We managed to miss a million coffee shops and eventually stopped for a cuppa in the Science Centre. We then took the cycle path alongside the Clyde but then managed to get diverted and ended up crossing the Clyde tunnel a very eerie bonkers experience with the temperature change and no daylight and spooky shadows... our speed increased somewhat through there!

We then realised that we were on the wrong side of the river but decided against a revisit through the tunnel. We then passed a huge retail park but managed to keep the shopaholic tendancies under wraps and ploughed on through trying to get where we needed to go. We managed to spot a ferry that took us all of a 100m back across the Clyde to the 'right' side and miraculously picked up the cycle path again. We headed on this path for a few miles before it became a 'tow path' and Lucy's bike began to get the fear and reared up so we took a diversion onto good old solid concrete. After a hairy experience on some busy roads we refound the cycle path now a tarmaced surface so continued along this all the way to Loch Lomond. We evenutally found our spooky castle around 3pm.

After a clean up we walked into Balloch for a mediocre curry and are now back at the castle getting ready for bed (8.30pm).

Vital stats for the day: 1123 kcal; 41.1miles; 4hrs 3mins ride time (v slow through town)
No mishaps today!

Saturday 3 May 2008

Day 9 - As telephoned from Hamilton

Wow you girls are making excellent progress - JOG is nearly in sight! (well maybe if you looked through powerful binoculars!)

So today another great day and the weather has been good for our little cherubs on their bikes - sunshine in Scotland! Unfortunately Siany's bike had a puncture before they started and it took what seemd like forever to sort it this morning! Despite that Lucy and Sian took off at 9.50am. They cycled along a very good 'B' road (alongside the A74) and passed through Gretna Green, then onto Lockerbie where they stopped for refreshments. Whilst they had their 'scooby snack' the sun came out!

Next, still on the 'B' road they got to a place called Beattock and had a pub lunch. Once fuelled with grub they carried on cycling and basically went on until they found some place to stay! Tonight it is Hamilton, a hotel where they have even treated themselves to a bottle of wine. (for those who know their wines a bottle of Sancerre 2005 - very tasty!)

They were going to stay in the highest village in Scotland but decided to make their way closer to Glasgow and why visit the village on a bike fully laden when you can appreciate it just as much in a car! (a visit for another day!)

It must be said that the bikes are making funny noises and the 'B' road maybe good but not really looked after and lots of pot holes! (lets hope the bikes hold out as long as the girls do!)

Sian and Lucy are both in good spirits (especially after their wine - but can only manage the 1 bottle!) They are very grateful for the sunshine and will take the day in their stride tomorrow as they cycle through Glasgow and off up to Loch Lomond. Sleep tight both of you!

Critical stats: Miles: 77miles - Calories burned: 2295 - Ride time: 5hrs 48mins - Max speed: 34 and extra stat; average speed: 13.3 (saves us calculating it!!!) That's pretty fast eh!

WELL DONE GIRLS - I think that's 643.8 miles so far (just about two thirds there!)

Mishaps - yep just the one puncture before even starting, but nothing else!

Oh yes thought I'd tell you all that they have managed to reach over £1000.00 on their 'justgiving' website in sponsorship - so a big thank you to all of you who have sponsored them both on the website and on paper.

We're doomed!

Friday 2 May 2008

Day 8 - As telephoned from Longtown!

Well done girls - Longtown, you are really making progress! And, as you can see from their photos they look pretty good on it too!

Here's todays news: Lucy and Sian left Kendal at around 9.15am and headed to Shap summit. They went up and down along the A6. It was a definite downhill into Penrith where the girls had lunch in a nice cafe!

Next stop - Carlisle where they found a bike shop for the bikes to have a bit of TLC. Lucy's bike having a new bracket (I'm told near where the pedals go!) The bikes and the girls refrshed it was off to Longtown!

Arriving at their destination at 3.20pm they were having a pint in one of the 2 pubs when they phoned! Longtown was described as being 'random and interesting'. (hope none of you come from there!)

That's all folks, Sian + Lucy are doing just fine and once again were in good spirits - legs doing ok.

Critical stats: Ride time: 4hrs 13mins - Calories burnned: 1836 (they reckon they've eaten more than that today!) - Miles: 50.8 - Max speed: 36.6

Oh and NO mishaps today!

Today's hills from Kendal.

Stunning scenery. Luckily downhill from here ish to penrith.

Arrived at longtown.

With time and legs to be able to take a stroll.

Thursday 1 May 2008

Day 7 - From Kendal Youth Hostel

Its starting to hurt now! Who's idea was this???

We thought we were in for an easy ish short day from Rochdale to Kendal, so didn't leave the comfort of Chez Holt until about 10:30. After a quick stop at Nan's we left at about 11:30 and it was all up from there.....

Up through Edenfield, Haslingdon, Accrington, Whalley and then over the moors to an eventual (late) lunch stop at Puddleduck tea rooms at Dunsop Bridge - in the centre of the UK, so hopefully that means we are well and trully over 1/2 way there!!. On to Slaidburn, and then up over more hills (very pretty but our legs didn't really appreciate the views!!). We eventually went through Kirby Lonsdale and took a B road thinking that Kendal was just around each corner. There seemed to be lots of corners and lots of "just one more hill" to get over before finally we reached a Kendal sign and steamed down hill into town at about 7:20.

Thankfully we were greeted by Lucy's Mum and Dad who had kindly transported our panniers to Kendal from Rochdale (Thank Goodness - We might well have been broken on the hills with the extra weight or indeed still peddling now (10:20pm)).

We've just enjoyed a lovely meal in Kendal and are keen to go to sleep again in the hope that our bodies might feel fresh in the morning for the next leg up to Carlisle.........more up!!

Stats for the day:
71.6miles; 3023 cals; 6hrs 47mins ride time; max speed hardly worth mentioning - more like a minimum speed day
4 very tired legs
0 punctures or mishaps

Just part centre of the uk

Dunsop bridge. Beautiful!

Accrington stanley...

Who are they?