Monday 28 April 2008

Day 4 - as telephoned in fro Ross-on-Wye

WELL DONE LUCY + SIAN - great cycling and at destination for dinner!

So here goes lots of exciting things to report today:

The day started by visiting a very nice man in the bike shop in Street at 9.00am. He kindly changed Lucy's tyres for new touring tyres, cleaned the bike and gave it some TLC while Sian and Lucy did some retail therapy and drank coffee in the Clarks Village Outlet! (see photo they posted earlier!) A special THANK YOU to the very nice man in the bike shop - Sian + Lucy

Once they picked up the bike there was no stopping them! They left Street at 10.15am and headed for Wells up a dirty great big hill. (the legs said it was a big'un) Once up the hill they were riding along the top of the Medhip Hills and it was gorgeous. From the top they saw Chew Valley Lake and it was too picturesque for words ...... such a contrast to canal tow paths and punctures! Somehwere in this part of their journey 'scooby snacks' were required and a dark, black cloud loomed overhead. Lucy + Sian took cover under a great big tree .. needless to say their luck was in and whilst they snacked the rain fell. Snacks finished and as if by magic the rain stopped too! Off they went again - not even a drip of rain fell on them!

Next it was down a big hill, no they said it was a MASSIVE hill! This took them alongside the Chew Valley Lake. Next leg was navigating round the outskirts of Bristol - this they were very pleased with as they DID NOT get lost and made their way over the Clifton suspension bridge. Fantastic views and a fantastic crossing - it was 'brilliant' they said.

Winding their way through villages (sorry no names given!), avoiding the motorways they could see both the 7 bridges and, as engineers would, got very excited by their grandeur! Even more so when they crossed the old one on their little bikes. Lorries thundered passed them and they felt the wooosh of wind, bringing even bigger 'cheshire cat' grins to thier faces. In fact as they rode across they grinned the whole way across for ear to ear. (Rumour has it because the wind was blowing they will stay like that, unless Lucy gets another puncture!) They both just got all excited and agreed they knew why they had become engineers! Oh yes whilst in this vicinity they tested out the 7 View Services for good measure! (Not quite as good as the last supper with Rob!)

Yes there is more! Chepstow via A446 and then on through the Wye Valley. This wound its way through beautiful villages and they wanted to let any of you Welsh lot out there - the bluebells smelt better and looked amazing, compared to the yukky 'garlic' smells in Cornwall! Nearly at the end for today as they rode down in to Ross -on - Wye at 7.00pm to a lovely guest house and a pub just 50 metres from its door! Showers - then off for a bite to eat and maybe a drink! Well deserved!

Critical stats: 2987 calories burned - 80.1 miles total ride - 35.1 max speed (Lucy) - 6hrs 37mins ride time

So hope you have not nodded off but both Lucy + Sian were chuffed with today and had a great day. Once again those wanting mishaps or funnies... NO pucntures- NO rain - NO falls just sore bottoms! ( any volunteers to massage 2 young ladies in Shrewsbury tomorrow about 7.30pm?)

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