Wednesday 30 April 2008

Carlisle 113 london 182...

Somewhere near Holmes Chapel

Day 6 - from the comforts of Chez Holt in Rochdale!

Well we've arrived in not at all sunny Rochdale but to a warm welcome Chez Holt!!

We left Trevallion House in Shrewsbury at about 9am and after a quick snack replenishment stop on the outskirts of Shrewsbury we were on our way. As we had quite a distance to cover, we decided we'd try and use reasonable roads today, so headed to Whitchurch (not as pretty as W-on Thames!!) on A and B roads via a little place called Wem. We couldn't find a cafe to stop in so after a quick snack got on our way to Nantwich for a banana stop. (We had to wait until Middlewich for lunch as it was on the next page of the map book!)

We ate yet more jacket potato in Middlewich and then set off through the posh bit of Cheshire through Holmes Chapel and Alderley Edge. Not much time for celebrity spotting, but we did see a few nice cars! From Alderley Edge into Stockport for a cup of coffee and meeting up with Lucy's Ma, Pa and Nan and getting rid of our panniers (yippee!) and we were on our way again about 5pm. The weather had been great all day - we had been promised showers but managed to escape - until we made it to Greater Manchester. "It's grim up north!!" We made it to Ashton Under Lyne and then got properly hailed and rained on. The hail stones stung our delicate little cheeks!

Two drowned rats arrived in Rochdale at about 6.15 ish and after baths are being very well looked after. We're even managing to wash our clothes so will at least smell as fresh as daisies tomorrow even if we don't feel it!

Stats for the day:
Cals burnt - 2996; Distance - 81.4miles; Max Speed - 29.2mph; Cycle Time - 6hrs 58mins
No mishaps to report today!

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Day 5 - as telephoned from Shrewsbury

Poor Sian + Lucy probably felt the rain more than any of us today! Today they both thought would be plain sailing up to Shrewsbury - flat and a nice day in store! Alas that was not meant to be....It turned out to be rather hilly! So add the hills, wind + rain (ooh and fatigue!) a day that was challenging in its own sweet way.

As always the duo were in good spirits after some grub and despite the weather and the terrain they reported another successful day.

Ross - on - Wye was left behind at about 9.00am and they pootled up some hills past Hereford and reached Leominster just in time for a 'scooby snack + drink'! (you'll see the photo of their pit stop) In fact a jacket potato was just what the doc ordered after the hills!

Ludlow the next place mentioned but they were cycling so fast they didn't stop ... Church Streaton was next and here there was the need of a pot of tea! Finally along the A49 all the way to Shrewsbury - arriving at a very respectable time of 5.45pm (although it took half an hour to find the guest house!)

Today there were no such excitment as crossing the bridges but just hills, hills and more hills! Wind in the face all day long and wet through - yukky! At least the guest house has a bath - a very rewarding bonus on the tired old legs!

OK so some of you are wondering - no mishaps? No! No punctures (that very nice man in the cycle shop has done a great job on Lucy's bike!) No mishaps but just loads of hills, wind and rain! Nothing Lucy and Sian can't handle!

Critical stats: Calories burned : 2879 - Total miles : 72 - Max speed : 33.1 (Lucy, Sian's isn't working so max speed always gonna be Lucy's!) - Ride time: 6hr 30mins

Oh nearly forgot - they got one offer of a massage and their friend from Uni, John has joined them for dinner! They were just ordering dessert when telephoning in blog news!

Well done girls - that must be 363 miles completed. Lets hope there is not so much rain and hills tomorrow.

Made it 2 shropshire!

Its been a hard slog this morning

Defo needed this hot chocolate stop in Leominster. Cool cafe!

Monday 28 April 2008

History is made!

We're so tired we couldn't even finish a pint. Off to bed at 9.30!

WOW - a third of the way to JOG!

Back again - sorry for 'fro' in heading of last entry! Can't figure out how to edit!


Sian + Lucy have cycled 291.6 miles, that's just about a third of the way there!

Lucy + Sian have cycled through Cornwall, Devon, and just today: Somerset, Avon, Monmouthshire, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire.

Fantastic girls you are doing well - we are all proud of you - Keep on pedalling!

Severn Crossing

Sian speeding off and getting very excited about getting 2 wales and of course the bridge!

A day of bridges...

Clifton Suspension Bridge.

Day 4 - as telephoned in fro Ross-on-Wye

WELL DONE LUCY + SIAN - great cycling and at destination for dinner!

So here goes lots of exciting things to report today:

The day started by visiting a very nice man in the bike shop in Street at 9.00am. He kindly changed Lucy's tyres for new touring tyres, cleaned the bike and gave it some TLC while Sian and Lucy did some retail therapy and drank coffee in the Clarks Village Outlet! (see photo they posted earlier!) A special THANK YOU to the very nice man in the bike shop - Sian + Lucy

Once they picked up the bike there was no stopping them! They left Street at 10.15am and headed for Wells up a dirty great big hill. (the legs said it was a big'un) Once up the hill they were riding along the top of the Medhip Hills and it was gorgeous. From the top they saw Chew Valley Lake and it was too picturesque for words ...... such a contrast to canal tow paths and punctures! Somehwere in this part of their journey 'scooby snacks' were required and a dark, black cloud loomed overhead. Lucy + Sian took cover under a great big tree .. needless to say their luck was in and whilst they snacked the rain fell. Snacks finished and as if by magic the rain stopped too! Off they went again - not even a drip of rain fell on them!

Next it was down a big hill, no they said it was a MASSIVE hill! This took them alongside the Chew Valley Lake. Next leg was navigating round the outskirts of Bristol - this they were very pleased with as they DID NOT get lost and made their way over the Clifton suspension bridge. Fantastic views and a fantastic crossing - it was 'brilliant' they said.

Winding their way through villages (sorry no names given!), avoiding the motorways they could see both the 7 bridges and, as engineers would, got very excited by their grandeur! Even more so when they crossed the old one on their little bikes. Lorries thundered passed them and they felt the wooosh of wind, bringing even bigger 'cheshire cat' grins to thier faces. In fact as they rode across they grinned the whole way across for ear to ear. (Rumour has it because the wind was blowing they will stay like that, unless Lucy gets another puncture!) They both just got all excited and agreed they knew why they had become engineers! Oh yes whilst in this vicinity they tested out the 7 View Services for good measure! (Not quite as good as the last supper with Rob!)

Yes there is more! Chepstow via A446 and then on through the Wye Valley. This wound its way through beautiful villages and they wanted to let any of you Welsh lot out there - the bluebells smelt better and looked amazing, compared to the yukky 'garlic' smells in Cornwall! Nearly at the end for today as they rode down in to Ross -on - Wye at 7.00pm to a lovely guest house and a pub just 50 metres from its door! Showers - then off for a bite to eat and maybe a drink! Well deserved!

Critical stats: 2987 calories burned - 80.1 miles total ride - 35.1 max speed (Lucy) - 6hrs 37mins ride time

So hope you have not nodded off but both Lucy + Sian were chuffed with today and had a great day. Once again those wanting mishaps or funnies... NO pucntures- NO rain - NO falls just sore bottoms! ( any volunteers to massage 2 young ladies in Shrewsbury tomorrow about 7.30pm?)

A spot of retail therapy?

While Lucy's bike got new tires we had a little shop. Well it would be mad to miss an opportunity!

Lucy's bike at Chedzoy at 8pm 10miles from destination.

Double puncture! Good job canal was a few miles behind or else the bike might have been in it!

Only the third puncture

Lucy still smiling. (By the tenth the bike was nearly being thrown in2 the canal.)

Made it 2 Somerset

Sunday 27 April 2008

Day 3 - as telephoned in from Street!

OK for all of you just checking before bedtime here is tonight's installment .....

Began the day at 8.45am and the day began with loads and loads of hills! Legs ached just a 'wee' bit but on arriving at Tiverton the land was a lot flatter and they found a pub! The pub was called 'Halfway House' and was in fact exactly half way between Okehampton and Street! (spookey!) Anyway, at the pub they enjoyed the 'last supper' with Rob, a very nice carvery and then put Rob on a puffer train at Tiverton Parkway Station!

Lucy and Sian now the 'terrible duo'! They thought that it was gonna be plain sailing and it was so flat compared to the morning ride but ..... the route ventured along a canal tow path! Yep, you have guessed it, a very good place for road bikes to get punctures! They reckon that Lucy had 7 punctures in all and they had to stop about 10 times to sort out flats!!! mmmm so time consuming!

As the day progressed it was becoming one hell of a slog and about 8 miles from Street a friendly Jan took their panniers and they travelled a little lighter to their destination. Arriving at the Youth Hostel only to find their fire alarms were broken so they had to be moved by the YHA to the Wessex Hotel! This all happened about 9.00pm!

Both Lucy and Sian were in good spirits but starving! (you'll see why when you read the stats of calories burned for the day!) As yet they hadn't spied a decent food place but that was next on the agenda, then shower and then bed! (oh perhaps a quick drink eh!)

So for those looking for mishaps - punctures is the name of the game today!!! Lets hope tomorrow the terrible duo have none!

Critical or vital stats: 87.5 miles - 3475 calories burned - 36.2 top speed (Lucy between punctures!) - 8hrs 03mins total ride time

Saturday 26 April 2008

Day 2 - the report as telephoned in this evening!

No computer facilities at Okehampton!

Cyclists left at 09.20am and have had glorious weather all day. They left T Bay, made their way to Padstow and stopped at Tesco for 'scooby snacks'! Next part was the ferry across to Rock and then they cycled round and up and down the moors towards Okehampton. (Seeing Dartmoor in all its glory for the first time in the sunshine!)

For those of you wanting to catch up on the mishaps of the day I am asked to report that there have been - NO falls, NO broken wheels, NO fords but lots of hills! The photos show that they all enjoyed a pint of shandy at The Eliot Arms near Launceston - well earned on such a hot day!

Lucy, Siany and Rob are all in great spirits and have been very professional about their stretching and cool down! Mind you once that is complete they are said to be off out to paint Okehampton red! Lucy spied a nice looking Thai restaurant! and no doubt a pub!

Well done day 2 all complete 124 miles done! Next county Somerset!

Vital stats of the day: 59 miles cycled - 5hrs 28mins actual time on road - 38.8 max speed from Lucy - 2542 calories burned

Eliot Arms pub stop...

Mine's a pint of cider!

We made it 2 Devon...

A hard climb 2 get there tho!

Padstow 2 rock

St michaels on the mount

You won't be laughing later Sianee.

Friday 25 April 2008

By the way there's no phone signal here!! Thanks for all your messages though.

Our First Day

After arriving late at the Lands End Hotel last night and of course a little night cap, we woke to the mist over the sea. Little Rob joined us for breakfast after a sleepless night on the sleeper train and after a couple of pots of tea and a few trips to the toilet we left Lands End at about 10am. The ride into Penzance was pretty down hill and we followed the coast round to St Michaels Mount. We then crossed inland and to Cambourne and onto Redruth.

On the outskirts of Cambourne, Lucy ran to Halfords to swap a map (which didn't show any of the roads that we needed) and we rested our bikes on the floor. Just as we went to leave, we heard a ping. "that sounded like a spoke" said Lucy & Rob and indeed it was!! Sian's back wheel had spontaneously buckled into the shape of a pringle and we had a noisy ride on to Redruth to a shop bizzarely where Rob had bought his bike 15years before.

The very helpful chaps in Riccis Bike Chain sold Sian a new wheel and after an hour or so of fixing and drinking (more tea), we were off once more.

We tried hard to avoid the main roads across Cornwall and had some lovely rides downhill. We had been quite impressed with the riding so far and then the tricky hills appeared. After much up and down and not enough food, we spotted a National Trust place and at last Sian's membership came in handy. We restocked on fuel - flapjack, eat natural bars, marzipan and fat coke - and then got on our way.

Eventually after more hills, contending with a double decker bus on a very narrow single track road & steep hill we spotted the sign for home (Treyarnon Bay 2miles). We stopped on the way for fish and chips in St Merryn and made it to the hostel at 7ish.

Not having done enough exercise for the day, we've just been for a walk along the beach and admired the views and the waves - its very exciting being at the seaside - and are now enjoying a cheeky vin rouge before bed. We'll all sleep well tonight!!!

Critical Stats:
Miles: 65; Time Riding: 5hrs 44mins; Cals Burnt: 2818; Punctures: 0; Max Speed: 39.8mph (Rob)

Falls : Sian - 1 after foolishly following Rob through a ford which had a polished granite stone bed and was quite
deep when you fell into it!!; Lucy - 1 (almost) into the nettles afer loosing concentration up a very steep hill!

Here we go!

Thursday 24 April 2008

Lucy only went for a cup of tea......

Could be an expensive trip if this is our tipple of choice!

Monday 21 April 2008

In Lucy's Words

So how time flies...5 days to go and we have only just decided a route and bought panniers to carry our stuff and not done anywhere near enough riding but hey... in the words of Lucy ... it'll be reet!!
The route is as follows and we will try and send a blog most days (internet facilities allowing) to let you know how we got on, if we made our intended destination etc. any setbacks and blog some photos if we work it out how to, being IT illiterate to say the least.

So the route...Thursday 24th April - head from London Paddington pick up Sian at Reading and land at Penzance 10.30pm. Hopefully taxi will be there to take us to Lands End hotel to get the party started

Friday 25th AprilDay 1 - Lands End - Treyarnon Bay (65miles)

Saturday 26th AprilDay2 - Treyarnon Bay - Okehampton (65miles)

Sunday 27th AprilDay3 - Okehampton - Street (80miles)

Monday 28th AprilDay 4 - Street - Ross-On-Wye (80miles)

Tuesday 29th AprilDay 5 - Ross-On-Wye - Shrewsbury (72miles)

Wednesday 30th AprilDay 6 - Shrewsbury - Rochdale Lucy's hometown! (80miles)

Thursday 1st MayDay 7 - Rochdale - Kendal (53miles)

Friday 2nd MayDay 8 - Kendal - Carlisle (62miles)

Saturday 3rd MayDay 9 - Carlisle - Wanlockhead (65miles)

Sunday 4th MayDay 10 - Wanlockhead - Loch Lomond (65miles)

Monday 5th MayDay 11 - Loch Lomond - Glencoe (65miles)

Tuesday 6th MayDay 12 - Glencoe -Lochness (55miles)

Wednesday 7th MayDay 13 - Lochness - Carbisdale Castle (60miles)

Thursday 8th MayDay 14 - Carbisdale Castle - Tongue (46miles)

Friday 9th MayDay 15 - Tongue - John O'Groats (66miles)

Saturday 10th MayJohn O Groats - Rochdale ... via Lucy's mum and dad.

Keeping you updated!

I'm Rhian, Siany's older sister and hopefully will be keeping all of you, who want to know the latest of the crazy gals' progress, updated via this amazing technology! Just checking it all works! So not much to say except its all getting closer and we hope that Lucy and Siany have a great time and a safe journey. Take care and enjoy!!!

Sunday 20 April 2008

The Plan...

  1. Fri 25-Apr-08 - Lands End to Treyarnon Bay
  2. Sat 26-Apr-08 - Treyarnon Bay to Okehampton
  3. Sun 27-Apr-08 - Okehampton to Street
  4. Mon 28-Apr-08 - Street to Ross on Wye
  5. Tue 29-Apr-08 - Ross on Wye to Shrewsbury
  6. Wed 30-Apr-08 - Shrewsbury to Rochdale
  7. Thu 01-May-08 - Rochdale to Kendal
  8. Fri 02-May-08 - Kendal to Carlisle
  9. Sat 03-May-08 - Carlisle to Wanlockhead
  10. Sun 04-May-08 - Wanlockhead to Loch Lomond
  11. Mon 05-May-08 - Loch Lomond to Glencoe
  12. Tue 06-May-08 - Glencoe to Loch Ness
  13. Wed 07-May-08 - Loch Ness to Carbisdale Castle
  14. Thu 08-May-08 - Carbisdale Castle to Tongue
  15. Fri 09-May-08 - Tongue to John O'Groats
    Sat 10-May-08 - Spare / Travel to Rochdale

What's it all about?

Following another of Lucy's crazy ideas of cycling 1000(ish) miles from Lands End to John O'Groats, Sian - never one to say no to a challenge has agreed. We have booked our train ticket to Penzance on 24th April 08 & are hoping to complete the challenge in 2 to 3 weeks. We are enjoying buying lots of new toys and are of course training hard so that after the 70(ish) miles we cycle each day we still have enough energy for a stroll to the pub!

We thought we'd try and use a blog to keep people up to date with our progress. Hopefully we'll manage with the technology along the way and be able to post some piccys so you can see how hard we're working.

We have chosen to support Leukaemia Research in memory of our pal Sal from university, so if you want to sponsor us, you can use our justgiving site..............

Thanks & See You Soon!